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Answers with Tag: Shariah

I’m intersted in that according to the Shariah if a husband ask him wife to do ishtikara for asking guidence from Allah Ta’ala about their divorce..

After somebody dead family member did fahatiya khawni and making lunch, for his sawab? Is it true in Islam, please explain.

Is this true or such a taqwa should be maintained only if we get any proof that her habits are against the Islamic way. ?

Should Muslims buy these products from me and will Muslims buy these halal / sharia compliant products even though I am not a Muslim?

In cape town when people go for haj they feel it necessary to visit the graves of the “saints” – my mom in law is going for haj this year Insha Allah and when she told us to go with, I politely declined. Was I correct?

My sister is unmarried, we have no parents and she has no children, only four sisters and two brothers in total. She has no assets and only has a compulsory pension fund. Would the proceeds of this fund be regarded as inheritance…

Should we take health and dental plan made mandatory by my university.

Apart from the norms and traditions, is there any shariah ruling regarding a wife’ s calling her husband with his name

Should i divorce my husband or should i just stay with my husband…what does shariah tell me to do…

I would like to know if it is true that a wife has one her husbands ribs in her?…

I would like to know what is the islamic significance of celebrating the 1st 10 days of Muharram,

In south africa we have so many different Halaal bodies.One body certifies a product Halaal and the other body says they do not approve. My question to you is what do we as the general muslim public do?

Is yeast halaal to consume in food…we raise our hand in Duaa and make dua of magfirah for the deceased, some people say this is biddah?…if we buy some haraam food by mistake are we allowed to give it to non-muslims?

What is the Sunnah way of moving into a new home for the first time?..A learned friend of mine said that some Ulema is of the oppinion that it is not sinfull to with-hold some of your income ?…Is coppying software and cd’s which are coppyrighted a major sin (tantamount to stealing)?

I want to know is it allowed in Islam for a man who is already married to marry another woman (she is not a divorcee , neither a widow)