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Answers with Tag: Shariah

Some people say that, it is not permissible for a Msalli to pray with a Turban when the Imam is not wearing a Turban.They say if this is done then the Prayer of the congrgation becomes Makrooh..

If someone wants to become a shaheed, what should he do, other than make du’aa? …how exactly does one create a will, according to shariah? does he just use any piece of paper? and what does he write on it, in order for it to be avalid will?

1. How does one wash off pig-related impurities? …2. what is the proper method for cleaning a bucket/container/cup filled with najis water?

Some of us argued that we only needed to pay Zakat if we had an established job, while others said that since we have a job in the first place, we must pay Zakat. Can you please clear this up for us? Do we, as teenagers with their first jobs, have to pay Zakat? When is it compulsary for us to do so?

Is it permissable in islam to stand naked infront of your husband?please inform me if there is any shariah rulings in this regard?

I know that the drawing and displaying of animate objects is haraam in our shariah. However, is it permissible to wear a t-shirt that has only an outline of an animate object eg a dark blue coloured object in the shape of a horse.

All villagers of my area did lunch after Nikha on occasion of marriage ceremony. Because our relatives and friend came from other village and they given importance for nikha that’s why we arrange lunch after nikha. If we arrange Walima on next day nobody can came for Walima that’s why we count that lunch as a Walima. Is this Ture!

Is it permitted in islam to lend money to non-muslims who are in need of money? ..how taking a loan from an islamic bank works…..

Can Jumma be praied in a Hall where regular salah doesnot take place? …

What is the significance in Islam of having father’s name as baby’s second name or it is just an arab tradition. …

Few Years back we recieved certain expensive gifts, jewellery from a non muslim whose main earning is through liqour business. The gifts also include food items, dry fruits,…

They purchased the house in the name of elder son,beside this house government land was there they were selling this land to the owner of house only so one brother purchased the land in his elder brother name only, now elder son died ,….

Can you please forward me your views on the Albaraka equity fund.

If somebody lends a large amount of money to someone how can the lender benefit from this?

Is KFC halah? We live in Dubai. on enquiring with KFC, they said the chicken comes from Saudi Arabia and is halal. But there is doubt if they use dead chicken. So is it better to refrain from it?