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Answers with Tag: shaitan

Does shaitan interfere with my namaz, causing me to doubt my faith?

Does the shaitan die when the person it is with dies?

What does your dream mean – is it good, bad, or the work of Shaitan?

How much Quran for Tahajjud? Why quarrel w/ baby? Good book on dream int’n?

Which interpretation should I consider: the first or the most positive?

Interpretation of a dream of killing Shaitan?

What should I do when I have doubts about my Salat?

Is “Amal Junaid” a Correct Name for a Daughter?

How can I get my husband to love and respect me and have a successful marriage?

Is it true that roohanis/jins/shaitan can make someone mad?

What does my dream mean?

According to Islamic teachings, is it possible for Shaitan to pretend as one of the Sahabah (Companions)?

Is it necessary to recite “auzubillahiminashshaitanirrajeem” before reading any ayah of the Quraan shareef?

Is it allowed for a female to watch some maulana on television?

What does my dream mean, where I’m treated in a hospital, see severe bleeding, run into my uncle’s house, and see a dreadful man coming?