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Answers with Tag: shaitan

How to get rid off waswasas

How did shaitan enter Jannah to deceive Adam Alayhis Salam

How can you stop a Muslim drinking alcohol

Fantasy Footbal League

Enrolment fee for mathematics competition

Doubts and Purification

Can Muslim women be gynaecologists

Being scared and frightened during the night

Are Prize bonds permissible ?

Are bad dreams and nightmares part of the Istikharah

A man in love with a married woman and wanting to marry her

Adultery & Repentance

I know a pious muslim who opens a faal.She says that it is for guidance & we must have strong belief in Allah for it to work.Is this practice allowed?It is not fortune telling

What should i do, im feeling bad for having sex, im feeling bad for braking the promise… should i go back and marry her what should i do

We know Surat El Wakiaa has the benefit that the poverty will never touch the one who read it at night before heading to bed