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Answers with Tag: SALAH

Is it permissible to pray with clothes that have sperm on them according to Islamic teachings?

When can qasr salah be prayed?

What’s the best time to offer Asr salah in UAE when following Hanafi timings?

What does my dream of seeing the Prophet (PBUH) praying and my brother trying to move me mean?

Is it correct to pray witr in Isha with 2 rakahs followed by 1 rakah with takbir-e-tahrima?

What did the religious male working in Qatar dream about this morning?

What is the difference between Taraweeh salah and Tahjjud salah during Ramadan?

Forgot to wash ears during ghusl and prayer – now what?

Is it halal to follow an imam who is engaging in illegal land grabbing?

Can madrasa lock gates during takbir ula, barring late students from joining salah jamah?

Why did Umar (ra) ban women from praying in the masjid? How do Rasool’s (saw) hadith fit in?

Lead others or pray alone during qaza namaz/sunnat when joined in Masjid?

Haram electric racket for mosquitoes?

Is wudhu necessary for saying azan according to the Quran & hadith?

Is it permissible to offer Namaz while wearing semen discharged clothes?