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Answers with Tag: salaat

If a lady had 7 days period, then, after medications, the period became 6 blood then 3 clean then 3 blood. What is her period now?

I’m a white, American, teenager, former Christian that wants to become a Muslim. Do you think that I will be descriminated against by the Muslim community?

The FATWA and DALIL regarding the wearing of shoes during performing WUDHU and SALAAT. When and where is it permissible. Can one pray like this at work or university, etc?

We have Bahrelvis in our Masaajids. Is it permissible to read salaat behind them?

After sunset, how long (minutes?) do I have to complete Maghrib Salaat before I have to make Qadha niyyat?

Is there anything really as ‘Qadhaa Salaat’ in Islaam, as the Fard Sala’s are ordered to be prayed at their prescribed times.

How can a Muslim praying while he is travelling, for example, going to the moon?

If I make intention for 4 rakaats namaaz and I read 2 rakaats, will my namaaz be accepted?

Does eating cooked food nullify one’s wudu?

Is the Jumaah salaat of people who work in an Islamic college acceptable when the sharoot of Jumaah are not fulfilled according to Hanafi madhab?

In Islam we have to wash after passing urine. My friend has a problem of urine dripping in drops even after a few minutes after passing urine.

1. Is it necessary to fold the pants above the ankle during salaat.

Is it bidah to do zikir in sajda after one has completed his/her salat?

How should one recite aytul kursee, and what are its benefits? JazakAllah

Who has the right to lead salat 1)person with knowlegde of quran and dean but no practice(no sunnah ie no beard,cap,clothes) verses br with practice of sunnah and basic deen in his life.