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Answers with Tag: Salaah

Is it sufficient for one to focus on the words in one’s mind during Salaah instead of reciting it?

Is Janaazah Salaah necessary for a person who commits suicide?

Is it permissible for a person have conjugal relations with his wife before Sehri and take a bath after Sehri?

Is it okay to cross in front of a congregation performing Janaazah Salaah?

Is it okay to fold ones sleeves and perform Salaah?

Is it necessary to respond to a recorded Azaan?

Is it okay to close the eyes in Salaah?

Is it necessary to call out the Iqaamah for every missed Salaah?

Is it compulsory for the Imaam of a Masjid to inform the congregation to straighten their lines before starting Salaah?

Is a woman experiencing chronic discharge (Istihaadha) always an excused person (Mazoorah)?

Is Ghusal necessary after undergoing a colonoscopy?

Is a persons Salaah valid if he/she recited the Durood in the second Rakaat of a four Rakaat Fardh Salaah after reciting Tashahhud instead of standing up to complete the remainder of the Salaah?

Is a persons Salaah valid if the feet are lifted off the ground during Sajdah?

In which Saff of the Masjid should a child stand for Salaah?

If water splashed onto ones clothes when flushing the toilet, does it affect the validity of ones Salaah?