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Answers with Tag: Sadaqah

Offsetting a debt with the amount one usually gives in sadaqah

Kafara for Anal Sex During Wife’s Period in Islam

Changing the nisaab from silver to gold

Making a vow in one’s heart

Can a husband take money of zakah from his wife?

Is it permissible to give charity to non-Muslims who are in need?

Do I have to give Fitrah on pets? I have 2 cats and 2 parrots.

Is it permissible to pay zakah and sadaqah to non-Muslims?

Can married sister, very poor with husband earning

Can I give Sadaqah for the Prophet Muhammad?

Can Faiz assist Mohammed Abdullah with zakah, sadaqah, or other aid due to his severe need?

What is the opinion of Islamic scholars on giving zakah ahead of time before its due date?

Can I be healed of my health issues with dua, amal, or something else?

What is Shariah’s stance on leaving things behind?

Ruling regarding the deposited money and old materials of customers after closing the workshop.