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Answers with Tag: RIBA

Reducing Bank Charges: Is Maintaining a High Balance Worth It?

Charging the tenant an extra fee for late payment

Lessor Must Agree to Bank’s Conditions for Loan Approval

Car financing, house mortgage & interest from a non Muslim bank

We develop call centre software and some of our clients are banks

Profits stipulated in proportion to the investment

Facilitating Euro Purchases with Dated Cheques: Is it Riba?

Is Selling Insurance Halal?

Riba transactions in non-Muslim countries

Can You Only Have a Hospital Plan?

Life Insurance Policy and Riba: To Sell or Not to Sell?

Giving a Discount to one’s creditor for something he wishes to purchase

Is a Hospital Plan Permissible?

Accepting a gift from a patient who owes one money

To accept husbands earnings from a taxi brought on interest