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Answers with Tag: Relatives

Who am i

Pls take time read this, i know it is long, but i need the help, i wrote it in the comments area, and plz try answer me rite away, when u read it u will know why, im afraid i will die b4 i get this

Kindly interpret this dream for me.

Is it permissible for my wife to stay over at her aunts (fathers sisters) house ?

Assalam mufti sb, I have very close poor ralative .can I give my zakaat money to her so that she can do marriage to her daughter? Is it permissible and Can I give with the niyyah of zakaat?

ASA Mufti sb,Some close relative have borrowed money from me, on promise that they will return it.But they are not doing so.What is the islamic way of collecting money from borrowers.

Who does one make niyyah for when performing esaala sawaab?

Can the dawah people who cannot concentrate daily taraweeh of 1 1/4 para in one mosque pray five parah of Quran daily.

Can we be excused in not wearing hijab?

My question is with reference to an Ishtikhara. It is on behalf of a relative that I’m sending this to you.

Is it permissible to decorate a house during a wedding? Or stay at a relatives house for a week during a wedding. They are going to have Indian tradtional parties (saachak and mehndi).

Was it a divorce ?when Mr. S was forced to divorce? And, if he divorces first wife on paper

Mufti Sahib, Can a female travel in a different car then her mahram more than 48 miles, while her mahram is in the car in front of her car?

Who inherits my wealth if I die as I don’t have sisters or brothers am unmarried?

Who has more right to approve/reject a marriage offer for a girl whose father is dead: her mother or her stepfather? The father’s relatives are absent (overseas).