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Answers with Tag: Relatives

The Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon him) Forgiving Hatib Bin Balta`a and Scholars` Say about that

Intends to Cover Sister’s Educational Fees from Zakah of his Money

Ruling on Banning Wife from Visiting her Sister

“One who Commits Adultery will become Poor and one who Kills will be Killed, even after a while” isn`t a Hadith

Can’t Forgive his Parents-in-Law for Offending his Mother

Paternal Cousin is more Entitled to Inheritance than Daughter`s Son

Children of Deceased Woman don`t Inherit their Grandfather

What is the Islamic ruling on swearing the oath for performing Hajj, and what is its origin in Sharia ?

It is Lawful to Give Zakah to Poor Brother for whom One already Provides

Diyah of Child who Fell into a Well

Is the husband a Mahram to his sisters-in-law?

Violations of Sharia during Condolence Ceremony

Islamic Ruling on Giving Zakah to Married Sister

Is it Permissible to Pay Zakah to Help in Marriage Expenses?

A Muslim should be Keen on Keeping Ties of Kinship