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Answers with Tag: rakaat

Forgetting to recite sunnah qiraat in salaah

Order of Surah Recitation in Namaz: My Mistake as an Imam for Fajr

Performing Tahajjud: A Guide

Imaam standing up for the fifth rakaat

Reciting bismillah or a surah in the third rakaat of a fardh salaah

Mistakenly making two rukus

Musaafir performing full salaah after returning home

Status of performing two rakaats after tawaaf

Performing waajibut tawaaf salaah after few tawaafs

Delaying in performing the two rakaats of tawaaf

Performing salaah with impure clothes

Mistakenly standing up after the last sajdah of the last rakaat

Mistakenly standing up for the third rakaat in a two rakaat salaah

Omitting Surah Faatihah in the third or fourth rakaat

Tying one’s ihraam in the plane