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Answers with Tag: rakaat

What are the prerequisites for performing the prostration of thanks (sajdah-e-shukr)?

What is the difference between offering salah behind Hanafi and Shafai Imam?

Hanafi ruling on reciting durood Shareef in 2nd rakah of sunnat namaz/gair muwakkidah?

Is it valid to join rakah in congregation after the Imam has finished ruku?

Realized makrooh time during tawaf, rakat, Sai before Maghrib? Guidance available?

Can I pray full or qasr salah at Chacha/Mama’s, son’s rented home, or friend’s home with facilities while traveling 300 km?

Is it better to pray 8 Rak’ats of taraweeh with long Surahs (long recitation of Quran) or 20 Rak’ats of taraweeh with short Surahs ?

How does a masbooq complete his prayers?

If a Musafir Imam was to pray four rakaats for Zuhr and not two?

How do you perform sajda sahwa?

What is the ruling on giving “Salaam” when entering the Masjid main prayer hall?

Exessiveness in worship

Sajdah Sahwe if Surahs were read in different order

Reading few words of duruud in the second sitting

How much of the last rakat one needs to catch to be considered as catching the entire salah