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Answers with Tag: Rajab

‘Ibadah on the nights before the two ‘Eids

Why the need for tawbah from major sins?

A Hadith Qudsi regarding those who obey Allah and those who disobey Him

Does the fifteenth of Rajab hold any extra merit?

Eating together is a source of blessing

A strange incident of a woman in the time of Sayyidah ‘Aaishah (radiyallahu’anha)

Applying surma on the day of ‘Aashura (10th Muharram)- a bid’ah

A person will only be rewarded if he seeks and anticipates reward

Desire for wealth and fame causes harm to one’s Din

Seeking forgiveness in Rajab

A Hadith from Bayhaqi on the virtues of the fast and salah in Ramadan

Is there punishment in Ramadan?

Is there any reward for announcing the commencement of Rajab?

A Hadith Qudsi stating that Allah Ta’ala is eager to meet the righteous

An unauthentic virtue of fasting and spending the night in worship in Rajab