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Answers with Tag: Quran

The recitation of “Sadaqallahul Azeem” after completing the recital of the Quraan is not a Sunnah

Quran Competitions

I have heard that none of he angels except Hazrat Jibrael AS are allowed to recite the Quran. Insaan (Human being) is the only creation whom Allah SWT has blessed with the ability to recite His Glorious Kalaam. Is there any Ayah or Hadees in support of this? Can you please explain in the light of any authentic source.

Is it permissible for us to keep Quran and hadeeth application in our phones?Why do people still commit sins in Ramadhan? I commit sins after repentance, can I repent again?

Definition of Beating

Kindly tell me whether we can give luqma (correction of the Imam in Salaah) by speaking one or two verses of Quran in recitation or by just saying subhanallah?

Lady Leading Taraweeh

The Ashari Aqeedah

Reading Quran from Laptop without Wudhu

Condition for Paradise

Following a Mathab

Six Points of Tabligh and Ladies Taleem

Arabic and Islam

Reading for Deceased

Wearing a Cloak