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Answers with Tag: Quraan

Taking an oath on the Qur’an in court

Countries which have six months day and six months night

Dreaming of jinnaat

Dreaming that the deceased are calling one

Studying tafseer independently

Reciting Tawwuz in the khutbah before reciting an aayah of the Qur’an

Stipulating that one will teach his wife how to recite Qur’an as mahr

Which Surah did the Jinnaat hear Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) recite

Recommencing with Ta’awwud after making sajdah-e-tilaawat

Printing a translation of the Qur’an without the Arabic text

Blood falling on the Qur’an

Clear discharge problem

Reciting the Kalimah at the time of Death

My Journey to Islam: Struggling with Family Expectations and My Devotion to the Faith

The meaning of “Naushaad”