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Answers with Tag: qiblah

Toilet is already facing Qiblah

Can you give me in detail where to place the hand (positions) in all the four rakaat of four madhab during takbir, qiyam ,ruku, sujud and tahiyat.

Should the head of ones bed in the bedroom be positioned to the east (should we sleep with our head positioned to the east)? Is it haram not to sleep this way?

A couple of weeks after returning from Umrah a had a strange dream.

When in sadjah, how are Shafi women supposed to place their feet?

Is it Sunnah to keep the heels of the feet apart or touch in Sajdah according to Islamic texts?

Is it permissible to recite at a Muslim’s grave?

Is it allowed for pregnant women to visit a friend’s grave according to the Quran and Sunnah?

What is the procedure for performing istikhara and what are the benefits of Salaatut-Tasbeeh?

Can you advise on starting a new business in Kuwait with a colleague through istikhara?

What is the proper way to do istikhara, including niyyat, timing, and how to know what is right?

Duas for visiting graveyard and saying salaam to person in grave?

Is it permissible to face Qibla while using a toilet in a company with two toilets?

Performing Sajdah during Menstruation

How does one practice Islam in outerspace?