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Answers with Tag: qari

1. Would it be permissible for a muslimah daughter to accept a wasiyyah of a non muslim mother? 2. How many Sajda Tilawa does a qari need to make if he listens the ayah many times? 3. What is the satr of a muslim woman from non muslims men or women?

Many Qaris recite the Qur’an using musical patterns known as Maqamaat (definition). I found the following rulings about the use of maqamaat in recitation on line, which indicate its impermissibility. The statement of Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd regarding this, that it invalidates a …

Please tell me whether the following 2 narrations that are in the works Umdat ul Qari and Fathul Qadir:

Please guide me in detail about the Hajj as i will be performing Haj-e Tamattu.

Why we only call people to Amal (salat,zikir,dua,..) but dont try to establish islam in the government level.if we dont try so then we cant follow islam properly.because we have

“God’s Messenger himself said, My name in the Qur’an is Muhammad, in the Bible Ahmad, and in the Torah Ahyad.” … Need authentication.

When I listened to the qirat of Qari Abdul Basit, I heard in-between the last ayaat of a surah and begining of another surah, he says (for certain surahs), “La ilaha illallahu allahu akbar walillahil hamdu bismillahir rahmanir rahim…” What does that means? Do we actually need to say this?
