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Answers with Tag: Prophets

I heard that there is a hadeeth in this way: don’t sleep before you made hatm of the quran

I had a very peaceful dream in which i was holding/playing with 2 beautiful parrots,

How did the holy prophet take the black seed ( in milk or taken alone?), also how did he take honey?.

Graves, spiders and mujahideen

3. The tawba of Adam (AS) was not being accepted until he asked tawba in the name of Mohammadur Rasoolallah.

Dreams and all

I want so badly to convert t Islam, but I am not sure where to start.

Allah created adam in His own form ?

I want to know what does dreaming about white eggs means?

Could you please tell me the meaning of a dream in which a bee was following me

Are women allowed to be leaders ?

All Prophets (SAW) are alive in their graves. Could you please explain in what ways they are alive?

Moulana nanotwi on khatamun nabiyin

Studying at university vs madrasah

Celebrating eid meeladun nabi