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Answers with Tag: Prophets

Is their any work authored by Imam Hanifa(R) in existance today?

Some Muslims I know read the Bible and try to find guidance in it. Is such behavior permissible? Please explain?

Actual spoken words of Prophets (peace unto them) in Qur’an?

I want to become a Muslim but since I was raised as a Christian some of my friends say I will go to hell because if I do convert that means I am denying Jesus. Please help me.

There are a few people who say that our Nabi, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, was not human.

The question is was the work of daawah part of Prophet Easa’s a.s. syariat? Or is the current Christian missionary work of the Christians an invented phenomenon?

To seek the help of any deceased and pray to him is Shirk

Man created in 5000 BC?

What is adab-e-gasht?what should we talk while giving adab-e-gasht?please reply in details?what are the adabs?

How should we react to the cartoon that that has been made of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam? What is the sunnah way of acting in this situation?

Give me the Biography’s of Allama Sayuti and Allama Sha’rani

Who was the first one to live on earth? how were they born? who were they?

Is it true that all the prophets are desendents from each other. Adam>Idris>Noah>Hud>Salih>Ibrahim>Ismael..>Mohamed pbuh all of them? how many prophets were they in total? somone told me it was 124,000. Allah A3lam

Do Prophets leave inheritence? secondly, Did dawood (as) really leave 1000 horses for Sulayman (as) in inheritence

1) Is it true the Khalid Bin Waleed (RA) kept a hair of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in his hat, and that at one time he had lost his hat and he started to worry until he found the hat. Isn’t this relying on the Prophets hair and not relying on Allah