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Answers with Tag: Prophet Muhammad

Has Cantor Proved the Muslim Theologians Wrong?

Should I Convert to Islam to Please My Boyfriend’s Family In Order to Marry Him?

How Do We Know That the Prophet Muhammad Is a True Prophet?

Why Does Islam not Allow Boyfriends and Girlfriends?

Are the Sins of the Progeny of the Messenger of Allah Forgiven?

What Should I Do With Friends Who Swear and Backbite?

Are the description of Jannah literal?

Hazrat Esa (Alayhis Salaam) coming back to the eart before Qiyaamah

The branches of Imaan

Deobandis and False Beliefs: A Refutation

Why does the Qur’an start with Bismillah?

Age of Hazrat Aaisha (Radiyallahu Anha) at the time of her nikaah

Tolerating Toddler Antics: Lessons from the Prophet’s Patience in the Masjid

Is Reciting Quran at Graveyards Prohibited?

Meaning of Surah Baqarah, Aayah 285