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Answers with Tag: picture

Wearing pyjama’s with pictures on them.

Is it right to destroy posters, which effect people in a community although its not a muslim land

I was shocked recently when I heard of the news that an American was beheaded by some Iraqis and this was shown on video to the whole world!!

The shocking pictures of Iraqi prisoners being abused by the Americans is causing me distress. I keep thinking about them (which makes me feel sick) and have difficulty sleeping.

Is it ok to work at university in U.S.A , Where I have to deliver TV,VCR, Video camcorder ext… to the classrooms?

Ref. to your response to Q1581, pictures stored on computers aren’t different from ones stored on a video/camcorder cassette. So it’s ok to take and store pictures as long as they are not printed?

Will it be permissible for me (a male) to pursue a courier in medicine?

Time and Circumstance of the applicability of the hadith on the attributes sought in a perspective marriage partner.

I want to ask that the use of Emotions i.e. smiles in chat or email comes under drawing pictures?

I have heard that if we put our hairs in bin and they are burned we get disease/illness is this true and do we get sin for binning them?

I want to place a picture of ka’ba and masjid nabawi, but there are a lot of pictures of woman and man standing nearby. is it allowed to hand the pictures?

Is it permissable to have drawings of animals and people in books?

If taking pictures are haram, is it okay then to take pictures using a digital camera or video

2)I would like to know if giving zakaat is fardh on land properties,with no income from these land.also,the person has a huge debt

1. Is TV allowed as a form of relaxing? 2.Even During puberty, is masturbation still considered haram?