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Answers with Tag: period of time

Is it permissible to use interest money to recover taxes already paid?

What is the max. time limit for burial? Is post mortem painful? What is the tabir of a dream of a friend in a hurry?

How can we enforce the Sharia Law and the fatwa issued by Darul Ifta to ensure the child’s custody?

Stock Options

Parents Demands Regarding Wife

Menstruating at end of salat time

What is the ruling on mobile phone cashback contracts?

Parents refusing to accept divorce

Mazuur and Hajj


Family Values in Islam

Concept of Divorce

Please can you advise me on fasting/fidya if you are unable to keep fast because of medical condition. I have to take medication for high blood pressure,enlarged heart, diabetes and water retention 3 times a day. So far Alhamdolillah,I have been able to complete full month’s fasts. However, as the days are getting longer I am finding it harder to keep them as I cannot take my medication on time. My questions are. 1) Do I keep as many fast as I can and pay Fidya for those I cannot keep, OR make up the fasts,(I missed),later on when I can? 2) What is the current price I have to pay per fast in Fidya? In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, 

Is there any dua which can change my husbands habit of lying,smoking ,drinking ,flirting.So that he could be loyal and sincere to me.

They are ready to give her in marriage to me but they don’t want her to relocate immediately with me unless I agree to provide her with university education over here