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Answers with Tag: Orgasm

Intimate relationship with a woman during her Menstruation

I have an irritating itch in my private part, that can only be satisfied with a warn shower. Could this be masturbation?

Faking An Orgasm

Mas’ala of ghusl

Inserting Finger in Wife’s Private Part

Fondling One’s Wife in her Haidh

Ghusal Due to Discharge For a Woman

Reaching Orgasm in the state of Haidh?

Woman and Orgasm

Vaginal Discharge and Ghusl

White Discharge and Ghusl

Arousal and Fast

Ghusl for Women

I ask maaf for the nature of the question but I would like to know on behalf of myself and a few sisters: Will the following activities make ghusl (bath) farz (compulsory): 1)  Climaxing or achieving orgasm with no sexual penetration i.e. simply by fondling of the sexual organs?2)  No orgasm or climax attained but wetness of the private parts occurs due to sexual stimulation of the private parts?3)  Thoughts which result in wetness of the private parts4)  In a male it is quite clear what ejaculation means.  In a female how does one know if ejaculation has occurred as I believe female ejaculation also renders ghusl farz.

Different Types of Discharges