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Answers with Tag: organs

Can we touch and see the sex organ of a wife.

As you said that it is not allowed to see the private part of women then how it can be possible to do intercourse without viewing the private part

If a person is on life-support, and his organs are failing, and the probability of recovery is extremely low, can we as their family make a decision to, pull the plug (stop the use of life-support)?

Does Islam allow for use of ‘life-support’ to keep a person alive (breathing) even though he is practically dead?

What is the Islamic situation on humans born with both, male and female, sexual organs?

Is it permissible to neuter or spade a cat so that we won’t have to be bothered by it producing kittens?

Questions about qurbani: Can I keep one sheep for myself and give the others to family and the poor?

Why is pork forbidden in Islam?

Are Muslims allowed to donate their organs after death according to their religion?

Does yellow discharge throughout the month break a woman’s wudhu?

Is it allowed to change body features for marital satisfaction?

Is Allah’s speech created and do the letters and sounds of revealed books belong to His creation?

Blood Transfusion & Donation

Is organ transplantation permissible?

I have heard that if a boy gaze down as soon as he saw any na-mehram, Allah do his nikah with “Hoore” of Jannah 7 times…….. is it true ? please answer this question with the reference of hadeeth or Quran.