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Answers with Tag: oath

Kaafaaratul Yameen & Oath-Breaking: How Many Fasts Do I Need to Keep?

Breaking My Oath: Do I Have to Repeat My Fasts?

Breaking an impermissible oath

How can one keep themselves from having evil thoughts?

Should I keep my oath to pray Ishraq salah even though I didn’t know the conditions when I made it?

What’s the Islamic ruling on my Qasam to my friend and how to resolve it?

Make baiat to Qalabi Zikr Shaikh despite differing Barailvi beliefs?

Kaffarah for oath broken thrice taken once?

Apakah masalah talaq muallaq dan peningkatan kondisi oleh suami dalam majlis yang sama?

Is it permissible to swear by the name of Allah in a marriage?

Did they pay kaffarah for breaking the swear and continuing the relationship, or pay again to be free?

Is there a kaffarah if a boy given by Allah isn’t made Hafiz-e-Quran?

Can one give kaffarah or sadaqah for 1000 fasts if unable to complete them?

Did the husband divorce his wife thrice, despite his denial and his sister’s witness?

What does the dream of Prophet (SAW) pointing his finger at the dreamer signify?