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Answers with Tag: Nikah

Confidential Fatwa Request – Talaq E Raji

Did the Divorce Take Place?

Duration for giving Mehr Amount

Kufaria alfaaz bol dena

Husband asks Ghareeb Nawaz when he needs help or if something goes wrong. Is this shirk?

Marriage with an Ismaili

Dua to find a good Muslim spouse for my brother

A woman had an argument with her husband and he told her that he was giving her talaq.

A woman has been given two talaqs by her husband and she wants to know if the marriage is still valid.


Women Doing Second Nikah

A woman asking for advice on her rights and the rights of her children.

A person who left their husband’s home and they are asking if it is still considered haram for them to live in the same home.

A wife trying to reconcile with her husband and the husband not showing any interest.

Touching a Namehram with Lust