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Answers with Tag: Nikah

I have been engaged to my cousin by my family in june; the nikah has not been Performed yet. As I live in Doha and she lives in Kashmir, we taik to each other on phone…

He said the three talaaqs unknowingly without thinking of the consequences. within minutes he realised what he had done, he did not mean it at all,….

Please can you advise me at the correct way a talaq should be done?

I want to ask that in anger talaq is valid ?

I want to know if there is such a thing as a conditional nikka where the boy & girl live apart but at their parents homes.

How long a woman can stay at her parents place after nikkah without RUKHSATI…in this condition who is sinful? husband , parents of the woman, or the woman?

Is a nikah between a ithna ashari (jafri shia) women and a sunni man valid?

I m going to get engaged with a grl whom my parents & her parents knows very well, we quite often kiss eash other passionatly … Is this Zina?

I wanna ask a question if a palestine girl wants too marry a pakistan guy and they know each other really good is it ok 2 marry a pakistan if she palestine ?

Is this allowed to have some “general chat”(no love talks) between engaged couple on SMS only ?

During an argument, my husband said to me: “”i divorce you, i divorce you, i divorce you” 3 times all in the same sentence. He said this in front of my father in law. …He wants me back and I want my marriage to stay valid as well.

Marriage and witness

I hear that if you are married and your husband does not pray then your marriage in not seen as halaal or valid. Can you please expand on this and please inform me of what ayat or hadeeth that states this.

I ll asked how about opinion in Mazhab Hanafi for divorce women when she will married again should be attend by Wali & 2 witness or not?…How Iman Abu Hanidah said regardless?…If not attend by wali & 2 witness that marriege was legal by Islam or not? Please explain accordingly…Jazakalah Khairan Khatsira

If the husband is studying in a far away place and the wife lives with her parents, whose rules should she obey?