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Answers with Tag: Nikah

Does a wife retain ownership of Mahr if she remarries?

Conducting a Nikah in the Masjid

Consummation of a Nikah before a Walima

Consummation of the Nikah before or after the Walimah

Can another person make Istikhaarah for me?

Witnessing the consent of the bride at the time of marriage

Who is responsible for a child in a marriage born from adultery?

Who’s right is it to stipulate the Mahr amount at the time of Nikah?

Who can represent a revert Muslim at the time of Nikah?

What are the types of Mahr for Nikah and how is it calculated?

Walimah is after the consummation of a Nikah

The status of Polyandry in Islam

The procedure of Nikah

Is it right to marry my daughter to a barelvi aqaid boy?

I want to marry with s girl which I like but my parents are not agree should I … are not belonging to our family. are they right. ؟