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Answers with Tag: masah

I want to know that if a person after doing ablution wear on the socks and then after his ablution nullified and he is still wearing the socks so then can he do masah on socks.

Is the ghusl (purification) bath still valid if I am wearing an adhesive birth control patch (Ortho Evra)?

Madhab of Ibn Taiymiah Rahmatullah… Did Hafiz Ibn Taimiyah Rahmatullah perform 20 rakat Taraweh? and did he also not allow masah over regular non-leather socks?

In continuation of question 7930, people perform masah over their socks, it is very common in Saudi Arabia, How can we avoid.

Following an Imam doing masah over socks. If I am offering prayer behind an Imam who I knowhas done masah over regaular socks what should I do.

To do KHALAL of fingers, can we use the same water as the one in MASAH of head or do we have to use new water?

Please advise how to perform Masah of the head during Wudu. Do the hair need to get wet, what portion? Do the fingers need to touch the scalp or go thru the hair or simply over the hair?

If i have sex with my husband a number of times during the day. do i have to wash my hair evrytime during gusl or is wudu enough to pray.

1.If someone does not wash his feet and is the imam what should I do? 2.some people while offering salat raise their hands to say Salaam …

Am I required to perform salaat al-qada for all the fard prayers in my life in which I achieved tahara through performing wudu that included mash over modern socks?

Ghusl/wudhu with a cast?

A few queries regarding masah on khufayn…

What of the salaat of a person whose hands and feet have been amputated?

Is it right to where leather socks and not wash legs in the wudhu?

Is it permissible for her to make Masah (wipe) instead of washing the head?