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Answers with Tag: masah

Can the Sunnah Abrogate the Qur’an?

Can I Wipe Over My Footgear (Khuffs) If There Is a Tear In Them?

Question: My question is whether or not a Hadiath could abrogate (Naskh)an ayat of the Quran? For example, the ruling of Masah over Regular Socks/leather socks by the hanafis given the Quranic ayat (5:6).

1. brothers doing masah on cotton socks and then leading the prayer – pray behind them with the intention of Nafl, but later on I repeat my salat. Is this OK ?

Can a person offer prayer in mosque when is he not pure/taahir/paak

Can you please code a hadith which explains the masah (of the head, ears, and especially back of the neck). 2; how we can distinguish between thick and spares beard

The Sahabah who used to wear leather socks, did they also wear shoes on top, or did their “socks” serve them as shoes? Please quote a few valid instances with the answer.

Is there a dua when having ghusl other than on a Friday or when not in the state of janaabat?

Ghusl Method

How do soldiers perfomed wudhu?

What ways can a muslim take another muslims good deeds? why is this?because someone said that if a muslim is wrong then another muslim has a right to take his good deeds?

While doing WUDU, shall I just MASAH the socks or do I have to wash the leg? Is Masah allowed for cotton socks?

Is it permissible to do massa on socks while doing wadhu and during safar?

Where can I find an authentic Imam to lead Jumuah salah?

Can tayammum be done for alternate salah while wearing socks?