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Answers with Tag: Marriage

I wanna ask a question if a palestine girl wants too marry a pakistan guy and they know each other really good is it ok 2 marry a pakistan if she palestine ?

Is there any basis from the Quran & Sunnah to recite the last verse of Surah Nuun to protect oneself from the evil eye? Also is there any basis for one who intends to marry to recite Surah Dahr daily?

Is it ok for a husband to use his right hand to touch his wife’s sex organ?..

During an argument, my husband said to me: “”i divorce you, i divorce you, i divorce you” 3 times all in the same sentence. He said this in front of my father in law. …He wants me back and I want my marriage to stay valid as well.

Marriage and witness

I hear that if you are married and your husband does not pray then your marriage in not seen as halaal or valid. Can you please expand on this and please inform me of what ayat or hadeeth that states this.

My brother lives in Norway and he asked a woman to marry him here in America. They have seen each other only in photos. The marriage did not work out because she did not want to go to live in Norway nor did my brother wanted to come to live here in America. So my question is can I ask the same woman in marriage? I live in America.

I ll asked how about opinion in Mazhab Hanafi for divorce women when she will married again should be attend by Wali & 2 witness or not?…How Iman Abu Hanidah said regardless?…If not attend by wali & 2 witness that marriege was legal by Islam or not? Please explain accordingly…Jazakalah Khairan Khatsira

Is a girl allowed to wear colour contact lenses and can you plz describe the correct way for a girl to make sijdah

WHAT IS THE BEST LEVEL OF HIJAB/PURDAH for that woman in such a situation?

The following procedure was carried out. We both signed up a contract and including the signatures of 2 witnesses who were present during the nikkah one of whom was a hafez….

About secret marriage, you have stated that all that is needed for a marriage to be valid is 2 sane Muslim men as witnesses (no wali or imam). However, when we called our local Masjid and talked to the imam about our situation and marriage, he told us a hadith that said that a marriage is not-valid without a wali. He went on to tell us that a wali is required for it to be a valid marriage!

Would this not course distress to the wife in the akriah if her husband has all these maidens why are houris granted to men. Please explain the concept for this…

I would appreciate if you can please explain that WHY if an un-married person before performing nikkah makes a statement like “If I marry XYZ then she is divorced” or “Any woman I marry is divorced”, then such a statement according to Hanafi fiqh will cause an automatic divorce for this person in his future marriage/nikkah?

My husband left me when i was 8 month pregnant, due to his parents.he through me out my home. after the birth of my child he sent me talaq 3 weeks later in writing,