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Answers with Tag: marital problems

Question on tahajjud and marital problems

Engaged girl confused regarding her Fiancé

1. Is bai`at shirk or not? 2. what`s the purpose of religion?

Expressing the thought of marrying one’s wife’s sister

Is listening to marriage problems considered ghiba?

A friend is having some very serious marital problems and chose not to tell anyone about what is going on. However, from time to time she confides in me because she feels that keeping it all in is too much, and she has some genuine concerns about her own well being and the well being of her children that she feels she may need to consult someone about. Her discussing all this with me however does necessarily include speaking about her husband in a manner he would not care for, ghiba, and so I do not know whether or not I should prevent her from even speaking to me about her grievances and problems. How can I assist her, and what advice might I give her?

My Parents Tend to Fight Very Often: What Should I Do?

A Christian Woman Who Loves a Muslim Man

My cousin sister is going thru a hard-time in her life. Her husband things that she has an illicit relationship, so wants to get Divorced.

I got Nikah couple months ago and found out that the guy is homosexual-gay. He married me for green card. I heard about faskh. can you please tell me if I can get that?

Divorce between parents – What happens to a husband/father who mistreats his wife and children on the Day of Judgement?

If a mother and a father want there daughter to get married to somebody she doesnt like than does she have to get married even if the parents have a reason about her dressing

My father refuses to allow me to marry because the boy is not from the surtee community.will my nikah be vaild?is there such a thing as parents curse?no one else in my family objects.

Statements from husband “I SHOULD get a divorce” or “why should i wait? instead of waiting I SHOULD end marriage now” can constitute divorce?

If husband is adulterous can wife seek khula (Divorce)?