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Answers with Tag: majority

Are anti-depressants drugs allowed in Islam


Ajmer Shareef

Acting upon weak narrations?

Acting upon weak narrations

Abortion of babies with genetic diseases

Is Interest prohibited between a Muslim and non-Muslim in Darul-Harb (non-Islamic state) like South Africa, UK, Australia, etc.?

Does eating cooked food nullify one’s wudu?

Where a bride or a groom is forced or threatened into marriage against their will, is it valid ?

What is the minimum amount of mahr (dowry)?

If the majority of the people in ones locality follow a particularijtihad, is it permissible to go along with this ijtihad simply to avoidfitnah.

When a majority of relatives follow customs prohibited by Islam and compel others also, am I allowed to dissociate with them?

Is it allowed to work in doctor’s office in USA due to insurance company?

Is it permitted to condemn those who allow dancing during sufi gatherings as people such as Shaikh Izz Ad Din allowed it and the vast majority of the Shafi Fuqaha

Is it okay to name a boy as Taha or Ta’ha?