Home » Posts tagged 'madhab' (Page 42)

Answers with Tag: madhab

Overcoming Niyyath Struggles in Fardh Prayer: A Shafi Solution

Holding the Qur’an and reciting from it in Salaah

Following a Shafi’ee Imaam

Witr Salaah in the Hanafi Mazhab

Missing a fast in Ramadhaan due to illness

Dealing with Waswas Wudu: My Fiqh Dilemma

Repeating the Salaah due to it becoming invalidated

Remaining silent during Salaah for such a period where one can recite three “Subhan Allah”

Is Semen Pure?

Kaffarah for several Ramadhaans

Should the muqtadi recite behind the Imaam?

Do You Need to Hear Yourself During Salaah?

Minimum amount of Qiraat for the Salaah to be valid

Following one Aalim or Mufti

Purchasing a cat as a pet