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Answers with Tag: madhab

What is correct procedure when joining salat late.

What is the ruling with regards to salāh with the wrong intention, breaking one’s salāh and mixing the order of the postures in salāh

What is the role of a woman in giving Deeni talks?

Should we do rafa῾yadain or not?

Touching ones stepmother with lust

Is topical fluoride therapy permissible since it has ethanol in it?

What is awla and prefereble for a shafiee in safar?to perform qasar or full salaah? And is it permissible for a shafiee to make imamat of full salaah if he is in safar?

Four years ago I had nikah in front of 2 witness from boy’s side and there was one qazi along who recite Khudbaa of our nikaah and that qazi saab was also from boy side in this situation there was no one from my side I was alone. Both our parents werent informed about this nikah. What should we have to do now?

If a husband eronously touches his daughter, unintentionally instead of his wife , sleeping on bed where his wife is sleeping for intercourse with his wife can make his wife haram on him according to Islami shariah.

Does Allah’s all messeges sent on holly prophet(PBUH) are still present in this present times.I am asking about not only quran but all messages …

My question is on Islamic inheritance based on the Hanafi Madhhab and is as follows: We have recently had a family tragedy, whereby my sister and her

I am working in oman. I am follower of hanafi madhab. I want to know how i need to perform eid salaah behind shafi madhab imam because they reciting more takber…

Could you confirm if there is an opinion of permissibility on crabs as per your Fatwa # 18321?

Is alcohlole based perfumes permitted in shafee madhhab

I follow the Hanafi madhab and hence tried last year to make up the rest of the salaat (12 rakaats), but due to the study load at school, I couldnt complete all 20. So unfortunately there isnt enough time to pray once I get home …