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Answers with Tag: kuffaar

 Is face painting permissible? If not, please advise as to why it is not permissible.

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Reverting to Islam: Surname Retention and Marriage Questions

Decoding my Mom’s Dream: A Circus, a Dog Show, and My Male Friend in a Royal Uniform

Is it permissible to do face painting etc for children?

Giving gifts on birthdays

Peel off nail polish

Differences between the western system of business and finance and the Islamic system

Is Water Birth Permissible?

Piercing the the ears twice and bellybutton

Presents on Nicolas day

Can Kuffar make usage of Islamic banks?

Without going deeply into the matter, Say for example someone has doubtful money, he received benefits from a kuffaar government, he does not now, but he finds the money doubtful and that someone has calculated what has been received from them in money and that person wishes to safeguard himself from doubtful money and its about whether that someone obtained the benefits through deceptive means or that someone did not meet the true requirements for he benefits. Now, that person feels wanting to disperse that money and relieve himself of this doubtful money, but is giving it back to the kuffaar government lawful, when they have troops in Muslim lands? If not, what is is the best way to disperse of this money and importantly what should be the exact intention. please provide a detailed answer about he intention and please give an example of the intention. 

Is it permissible to prepare a GCSE Religious Education exam on Islam?

Is it permissible to use black hair dye?