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Answers with Tag: khula

Can wife take khula if unsupported during pregnancy?

Why did Mufti Sahab ascend Marwah during SAII of Umrah during HAJJ-E-QIRAN?

Can a woman return to ex-husband after obtaining Khula (talaq) within iddat period?

Are they still in nikah after the khula was requested?

Will the husband get his wife back if he gives her a qula through court and police?

Will her khulla still be valid if her husband doesn’t sign the papers?

Is Khula and talaq e bai’n valid in Islam? Rights of ex-husband/girl? Reunite w/o remarrying? Eligible for maintenance in iddah?

Is it possible to get a khula without her husband’s signature?

Is the first husband liable to ask for possession of his daughter at any time?

What is quilting? How is it done? Once it is done, can the husband and wife get back together?

Can I marry again after getting a divorce without waiting for an Iddat period if I am not pregnant?

Obstinate husband

Will a person be sinful for missing taraweeh

Wife blackmailed into khula

Which Companions are the highest?