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Answers with Tag: journey

Sunnat-e-Muakkada if one returns from a journey in the Salaah time

Taking one’s mother and father in-law for Umrah

Salaah while travelling on an aeroplane

Taking permission from one’s mother and wife before undertaking a journey

Taking a loan to visit Musjid-ul-Aqsa

Dreaming of My Father’s Passing: A Worried Interpretation

Janaazah related questions

 Can you please comment on the permissibility of the ‘Bibi Fatima Kahani’?

Visiting the family of the deceased on Eid Day

At what stage on the return journey does one stop being a musafir?

Combining Zohr and Asr during a journey

Women travelling alone overseas

Qadha Salaah after fajr and after asr

Performing Qasr Salaah during the course of the journey

Missing Salaah on a journey