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Answers with Tag: istikhaara

Is there a Dua or Prayer I can perform to see if the person I want to marry is the right person?

My father wants me to marry my first cousin. However, I do not wish to marry her. Can I be forced into this marriage?

Where a bride or a groom is forced or threatened into marriage against their will, is it valid ?

Parents forcing into marriage

Kindly explain the procedure of performing Istikhaara for a female duringmenses as she cannot perform Salaat in that state.

I want to marry an uneducated cousin but family is not ready.

How can i propose a girl for marriage in Islam?

Can parents prevent their daughter from marrying a particular man?

I saw a dream in which I was being attacked by a jinn, and I kept reciting ayatul kursi and I think after I ran away from jinn I was under a white sheet

I have feelings for 1 of my friends and i think he has them also is there a dua i can read to make him open up and like me,i would like to marry him.

Boy and girl have seen eachother nude and sucked without nikkah ; can they marry

She had a dream that her wedding was held in Chicago (where she lives) and the walima was held in another state

Regarding Nikaah. If you have in the past been involved in relationships and participated in haraam activities and now repent your actions and change your lifestyle to that of the approved Islamic Lifestyle

TV channel by the name of Istikhara. People call in this program and ask questions whether doing so and so will be right for them

Will marriage to anyone else work after I have had a positive outcome from my first Istekharrah?