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Answers with Tag: Interest

It isn`t Permissible for a Motor Dealership to Facilitate Sale Transactions for Customers Via Riba-Based Banks

Reconciling over Child Custody

Islamic Ruling on Reward Received when Promoted to Senior Warrant Officer in Jordan Armed Forces

Ruling on Murabaha Transaction in Trust Funds of the Ministry of Social Development

Unlawful Money must be Gotten Rid of by Giving it to Charity

Her Husband Works for a Non-Islamic Bank

Some Types of Fraud People Use to Trick Islamic Banks

Ruling on Taking the Legal Interest

To what extent does Sharia allow science to benefit from cloning?

Ruling on Installing Central Heating Units for Imam`s and Mu`azin`s Residence from Donations made to Mosque

What are the qualities that people should look for in an MP?

Islamic Ruling on Driver`s Responsibility for Traffic Accidents

Ruling on Designing Programs for Companies that Trade on Margin

Ruling on Working in a Riba-Based Bank

Inherited Conventional Banks’ Stocks from His Father