Home » Posts tagged 'Intercourse' (Page 48)

Answers with Tag: Intercourse

Spouses looking at each others private parts

Issuing talaaq before the the nikaah is consummated

The spouses covering themselves during intercourse

Dua before intercourse

Is it mandatory to pay fidya in the following situation?

My elder brother has a drinking problem and if I inform my mother it will cause problems. What should I do?

Can I have intercourse with my wife after the umrah of tamattu haj?

Intimacy with pregnant woman

Should I appreciate my husband helping me and is marital intimacy not to be enjoyed?

Should I appreciate my husband helping me and is marital intimacy not to be enjoyed?

Is female genital mutilation allowed in islam which is practised in many countries in Africa?

Killing an Innocent Person

Intercourse in Haidh accidentally

Is it permissible to have sexual intercourse if i suspect my period is stopped or ending before the usual

Marriage problem