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Answers with Tag: income

Is it permissible for a non-profitable organisations to use the rental income and public funds to give a hadiyah to their staff?

Is it permissible to donate or accept human organs? Is zakat payable on the house or land as well as the flow income?

Is the money halal which is acquired through a job gained by lying?

Can a land, previously a Masjid, be rented out to contribute to the income of a new Masjid?

Is it permissible to process and sell Haram chicken?

Inheritance Query

Can a car dealer refer customers to finance company

Father running a bottle store

Income of a person selling movies and videos

Is Selling Life Cover and Non-Shariah Compliant Investments as a Financial Advisor Halal or Haram?

Income of an insurance agent

Is My Cousin’s Job Income Halal or Haram?

Mother getting the daughter married without the permission of the father

Working and studying Deen

Juggling Two Lives: Living with My Husband and His Other Wife