Home » Posts tagged 'Imam Abu Hanifa' (Page 9)

Answers with Tag: Imam Abu Hanifa

Offering Salaah behind an Imam who changes his school of thought

Zakat Queries

Process of rennet and whey powder/ Masaa’il of wudhu

Preservation of Imam Sahebs Narrations

Leasing to a Bank or Insurance Company

Janazah Salah in Saudi Arabia

Giving Zakat to Syrians and to a Syed – family of Muhammad (صلي الله عليه وسلم)

Qadha Salah

I would like to know regarding the concept of Imsak?


If Ibn Hajar Asqalani (among others) approved off the mawlid celebration, how can anyone in later times say it is impermissible? Was Ibn Hajar simply wrong?

Takbeer al-Tahreem (opening takbeer)

How many minutes before isha is Maghreb salah still valid?

What is masah ‘ala al-khufain and what is its status in Shari`ah?

What is the basis of masah upon the Jawrabain? Can the Qur`anic verse facilitate performing masah over, as well as washing, the feet?