Home » Posts tagged 'imaam' (Page 32)

Answers with Tag: imaam

Leading the Salaah when one has a wound that is bleeding

Imaam making Salaam while the muqtadi is reciting durood-e-ebrahim

Can a Sunni Pray Behind a Shia Imam?

Can reciting Qur’aan benefit the deceased?

Where should the Mu’azzin stand in the Musjid when calling out the Iqaamah

Forgetfully reciting a portion of Durood-e-Ebrahim in the first qa’dah behind the Imaam

Is Personal Understanding Enough for Sticking to One Mazhab?

Being considerate towards the musallees

Baaligh beardless boy leading the Salaah

Keeping the beard at one fist length

Clarification Needed: Silent Salaah and Double Adhaan on Jumu’ah Day

Loud Zikr After Prayer: Islamic View on Celebrating Allah’s Praises

When Can Followers Correct an Imam?

What to Do When an Imam Makes Mistakes in Salaah?

Making Salaam before the Imaam