Home » Posts tagged 'imaam' (Page 29)

Answers with Tag: imaam

Imaam taking a salary

Do Laymen Need to Follow a Mazhab Without Knowledge of Shariah?

Joining the Imaam before ruku’ of the first rakaat

Who is the most worthy person for performing the Janaazah Salaah?

Performing janaazah Salaah for several mayyits at once

Muqtadi repeating the takbeer behind the Imaam

Masbooq (latecomer) joining the Imaam before Salaam

Masbooq joining the Salaah after one rakaat

Is the Salaah valid if the muqtadi omits the tasbeeh of ruku or sajda?

Muqtadi going into sajda before the Imaam

Imaam Ghazaali’s view on mathematical numbers as Shaitaan’s words

Reciting Iqamah in Second Jamaat at Tourist Masjid: Permissible?

Sunnah qiraat on Fridays

Masbooq’s Salaam: Sajdah Sawh or Repeat Salaah?

Reciting tashahhud behind the Imaam