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Answers with Tag: Holy Quran

Congratulating non-Muslims on their religious days

Can I Make Isaalus Sawab for a Deceased Loved One by Reading the Quran?

Are the voices of women part of the pardha

Reflecting over the meaning of the verse during recitation in Salaah

Reverting to Islam: Surname Retention and Marriage Questions

The Mystery of Quranic Breath: Effects on Health and Well-being

Memorising the Qur’an

What is the ruling on toilets below or above the masjid?

Touching books which contain surahs of the Holy Quran

How much would the uterine brothers and sisters inherit from the deceased’s estate?

How was the Qur’an compiled?

Husband demanding wife to break relationship with her sister

Selling Homecare cover on behalf of British Gas

The Prohibition of Interest

The Quran says the day of judgement will come. How and when will it come