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Answers with Tag: Hanafi

The length of the beard

Selling gold in exchange formoney

Reciting Zaalliin instead of Daalliin in Salah

Reciting Surahs in order

Reciting surahs in different order

Proof of six extra takbeers for Eid salah in the Hanafi Fiqh

Proof for impurities on clothes

Principles categorizing prohibitions in the Hanafi Madhab

Principle of Mudarabah

Praying salah without wudhu

Does a husband have a right in his wife’s earnings

Do the same two witnesses who were present for the brides consent have to be witnesses for the Nikah

The difference between Fardh and Wajib in the Hanafi Fiqh

Reciting Surah Fatiha behind the Imam

Reciting from Quran in Tarawih