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Answers with Tag: Hanafi

Making a vow to commit a sin

Girl giving the Imam permission over the phone to conduct her nikah

I have said three times divorce during an intense argument with my wife

Qada and fidya

I purchased an item from a certain Muslim business manager I no longer require the item.

Yeast Fermentation in Dairy Products

The Mehdavi Sect

Is it fardh to rewash the hands when washing the arms

How many times do I have to wash off dog saliva?

I am religious but open minded advise about Hijab.

Different texts in the Hanafi mazhab.

How Do I Make Up Ramadan Fasts Missed Due to Pregnancy?

What is the Proof for the Hanafi Method of Witr?

Is Selling Dogs Permitted in the Hanafi School?

Is Tawassul Permissible in the Hanafi School?