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Answers with Tag: Hajj

What should a woman do if her period comes at the beginning of the days of Hajj before she enters … doing twaf? In this state how to perform hajj?

My aunty recently died. may Allah grant her Jannah. pls make dua for her. My question is we … the deceased.

What is the ruling on performing hajj while menstruation?

Is It Permissible to Use Pills to Stop Menses for Hajj?

If a woman is on her menses during the time the obligatory Tawaf or the Farewell Tawaf is to be … from Makkah, how is she to complete her Hajj?

Qurbani in Hajj

How many days after Hajj is a Haaji’s Duas still accepted for forgiveness?

What is the status of Tawaaf-e-Qudoom in Hajj?

Performing Hajj for ones deceased’s parents who already performed Hajj

Performing Hajj on behalf of a deceased person

Pelting (Rami) times during Hajj

Is ones mothers sisters’ husband a Mahram?

Is it the sons responsibility to send his parents for Hajj?

Is it permissible to wear stitched Hajj/Umrah Sandals in the state of Ihraam of Hajj and Umrah?

Is Hajj compulsory on a woman observing her Iddah period?